Resident Evil: Rising Dawn

Chris Redfeld and Rebecca Chambars had survived this far, and now they had made it to a strange labrotry under the big mansion. "This is weird, who builds a lab under their house?" asked Rebecca, Chris said "bad people, people who are up to no good. Stay close to me Rebecca." He said and she nodded her head "sure what ever you say , Chris".

The two of them creeped down the stairs, hearing the shuffling of zombie feet further down the corridor. "I think there's a zombie down there" said Rebecca and Chris said I think so to.

They were right. A zombie was walking about in circles. Chris lifted his gun and fired a few bullets at the zombie and he fell and died.

Suddenly, Rebecca screamed "look OUT CHRIS" as another zombie came out of the shadows and grabbed hold of Chris. He tried to fight it off and stop it from biting him, but the zombie was strangely strong and Chris was struggling. I need to help Chris, thought Rebbeca and she lifted her own heavy gun and fired a few times, her hand shaking as she did it. she was worried that she would hit Chris but she had to save him and she did and he thanked her. She blushed at his compliment and she felt really embarrased by it. Chris was hot.

The lab was full of bad zombies but Chris made sure to kill them all and not get attacked like he had before. Rebecca helped as well, she shot one dead and Chirs gave her a thumbs up and she felt her cheeks go red like her bandana.

Eventually, they found an elevator and when they went down, Wesker was there but then he told them he was evil and that he was behind everything.

"No, you can't be!" Rebecca said, but Wesker smirked and fired a shot at her. But she dodged it and she ducked and ran towards him. The young stars person grabbed his gun while Chris crept up behind him and hit him in the back of the head with his own gun. He fell forward and his glasses were knocked off and his eyes were red.

"I can't believe it was Captan Wesker all along!" Cried Rebecca, "and look at his eyes! They're red!"

"Guess he'll be seeing STARS for a while!" Chris waved his hand then scratched his chin. "Hmm, this is all really weird and depressing. Rebecca, let's go in and find out what is in that room Wesker was guarding."

It was a huge lab, with lots of big tubes that were empty. On the other side of the room were computers with lots of dials and buttons that were flashing and she went to touch one and Chris slapped her hand away "no, dont touch anything Becka" and she nodded and kept her head down as she followed behind him.

At the very end of the room was another big glass tube but there was something in this one. It was a huge monster, with a big claw on one hand. It was horrible.

"We need to kill this thing." Chirs said and blasted it with his shotgun. The bang was loud and Rebecca put her hands over her ears as the glass smashed and the tyrant was blown apart.

"We did it!" Rebecca cheered, as Chris turned around and gave her a smile.

"Thanks Rebecca, we've stopped Umbrella..." He said, but just as he did, the Tyrant started getting back up and lifted his claw to attack.

"No, look out CHRIS!!!" Rebecca still had Captain Whisker's gun and she shot at the Tyrant, pumping him full of bullets until the gun started clicking. The Tyrant roared and toppled over and was finally dead.

Chris placed a hand on Rebecca's shoulder and she nearly melted at the knees. But before they could say anything, a loud alarm went off across the labratry.

Chris put his hand on his hip and looked confused. "What is that?"

"I think it's a triggering system for a bomb!" Rebeca gasped "I think we need to leave!"

"Let's get out of here, we need to get to the heliport so Brad can pick us up!"

"We're nearly there Rebecca, just keeping running" shouted Chris. "There's the helipad! Just a few more feet and we're home!"

The helicopter was there and Brad Vickers waved for them to get in. "Quick, I don't have much fuel!"

"Oh yeah let's go" She said and the both of them ran through the lab, noticing that Wesker's body was gone but they were in too much of a hurry to wonder where he had went.

Chirs and Rebecca got in to the helicopter and they flew off just in time because a few seconds later, the mansion exploded and fire went everywhere.

The remaining S.T.A.R.S. members sat in the back of the helicopter. The pair were filthy and exhausted. Rebecca yawned and she noticed that Chris was watching her from the other side of the helicopter and she went red again.

"You tired Rebecca?" He asked, sitting across from her.

"Sorry Chris, I am."

"There's something I've been meaning to tell you."

"Oh, what is it Chris?"

"I just want to say I'm really proud of you. You've did a realy good job. This case has been really, really weird."

"Thanks Chris." She beamed.

He smiled back and moved over so he was next to her. "I couldn't have dune it without you."

"You mean that?" Rebecca asked, wide-eyed.

"I do. We beat Umbrella together." He took her hand and squeezed it tight.

"What do we do now?" She asked, "I'm scared. What if there's more monsters out there?"

"Don't be scared." Chris said as she rested her head against his shoulder. "I'll protect you." He smiled down at her, then looked out at the sky. Chris wandered what ever happened to Barry and Jill. Deep down, he hoped they had made it out alive.

Rebecca closed her eyes and squeezed his hand back, finally happy, knowing that she'd never told Chris that she'd found Jill in that cell.

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