Last of the Sailor Moons

Most of the Sailor Moons were dead or had retired years ago. Jupiter was the first to go, she hung up the school uniform and married a rich guy and went to live in American and she spends her days lying by the side of her big pool behind her house.

Sailor Venus tried to go solo because she thought she could do it all by herself, but she ended up dying when five bad guys attacked her at the same time and she was like, oh no, I wish had had the other sailor moons here and we could have beat them all.

Sailor Neptune was killed when she was running across the road like a cat.

And the leader of the sailor Moons had a nervous breakdown because of everyone dying, and was sent to a mental place when she kept saying she was the real Sailor Moon and the doctors said "youre not really Sailor mon, you never were"

It was up to Sailor MArs to save the day. She landed on the ground in front of some bad guys and said "Crooks, im here to stop you" and they said "who are you"

She asked "Im Sailor Mars of the sailor Moons"

"Ohno, don't hurt us, we surrender." They cried and held up their hands and dropped their guns.

"You'll surrender when your Dead!" Mars cackled and shot them all with a flame from her hands.

"what have yo done?" Asked a strange woman who was wearing an uniform like Sailor Mars but this one was pink.

"I stopped the bad guys. Who are You?" she Asked the New girl.

"I am Sailors Mars" she stood with her arms on her hips

"But I'm sailor moon Mars" Said the original.

"Not any more!" cried the new girl and she shooted her too with her fire hands.

To Be Continued ///

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